Mileage Calculation:
As per RAC 1980 formula (What we (AILRSA) demands)

Mileage =30% mean pay of  Pass LP + 20 days TA / National Average KM x 100.
The mean of pay of Loco Pilot (Pass) = {(9300 + 34800) / 2 + 4200} = Rs 26250/-
The 30% pay element is Rs.7875
The national average kilometer-age of passenger link is 4700.
TA rate is Rs.340

Now mileage should be
7875+6800/4700 x100 =312
New TA rate is Rs.425 (after 25%
        Hike According to 6th CPC)
7875+8500/4700 x 100=348

As per AIRF
In the mileage 70% is TA portion
 i.e. 118
So 0.25% hike is only required.
i.e. = 169+30 = 199
         What an idea Sir jee!

NFIR demand is 25% rise in mileage
i.e. 169 x25% = 42 
Then new rate will be Rs.211
(As per the 6th CPC all allowances will automatically raise by
  25% once DA raised above 50% of BP)
Then who needs NFIR recommendation? 

                                     STORY OF INJUSTICE

TA Portion in mileage:

The mean of pay of Loco Pilot (Pass) is
             {(9300 + 34800) / 2} + 4200 = Rs 26250
             The 30% pay element = Rs.7875
            So what is the TA portion in that?
            Is it JUSTIFIED?

One LP Passenger undergoing training for one month will get
                       30 x 270= Rs.8100 as ALKM

One Station Master in 4200 GP, who is undergoing training, will get 30 x 425=12750/- as TA.

                           Forget who raised the injustice first
Signed in agreements
 Let us unite to fight out the injustice.



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