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                               ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATION
    Reg No: 17903,                                                                                                     South zone,
    Affi AIREC,                                                                                                   Trivandrum Division.        


  The Branch Secretary
  All India Loco Running Staff Association


  The Chief Operations Manager
   Southern Railway


       All India Loco Running Staff Association Nagercoil branch meeting had been held at Nagercoil on 23-12-2011, presided by the Branch President Com. G. Ponraj. AILRSA Zonal Assistant Secretary Com. R. Nagarajan was the chief guest in the function. Various matters regarding train working had been discussed with. The following are the major outcome of the meeting that we are here by putting before you for your kind consideration.

1. The New Crew Link at NCJ
        A recent advancement in the link modification is that when ever a new link is being formulated, the staff side grievances were never heard. Adding to our hardships every now and then the Crew link is modified with out any human consideration. In Your latest Crew link for NCJ the following grievances we have to point out.
1) In the previous link we were allowed only four calendar day rests in a span of 11 consecutive weeks. That even reduced to three in the current link. Kindly restore the calendar day rest as in the previous link. We Loco Running Staff also have socio economic commitments and due to the nature of our duty many a time are unable to meet these commitments. So we request your good self to include a calendar day rest at least once in every fortnight while framing new crew links.
2) Light Engine movement and passenger movements are not included in the total working hours. Also 1:2:1 rest (one part train working two part rest at head quarters and one part rest at out station) as per the Railway Board instruction had not been considered in the current crew link. That way we are denied of quality time with family and we are compelled to stay at out stations for more hours. Kindly re-formulate the link duly considering these.
3) Another one difficulty in the current 11 men Crew link for NCJ is after working 12643 exp from TVC to ERS we have to travel as passenger by 15906 exp to work the same train from TVC to Cape. The departure time of 15906 exp at ERS is 2 hours at ERN. That means a set of crew has to travel 220 km as passenger to work a train for just 87 km. Please rethink whether it is justifiable. Now almost all night trains are over crowded and it is difficult to get berth accommodations. So the crew has to sit in a crowded compartment for four to five hours to work this train on continuous duty. It is just like a train working with out any previous rest. As you and I know that a train working with out proper rest is disastrous and will hamper the safety of railways. Even if berth is allotted, straight away to train working from a sleeping bed-with out any refreshment-is also dangerous. Also if the crew slept unconsciously, there will not be any body to call the crew for duty and train may be delayed un-necessarily. Owing to these difficulties we request to you to kindly replace P/15906-15906/ER with a suitable another train.

  2. Difficulties of Loco Pilot(s)’s at NCJ
1) The present scenario of yard shunting at NCJ is pitiful. The shunting roster at NCJ now following is the one which was implemented far beyond 1984. Even though the Train handling at NCJ had risen 200 times there after and the work load of the Loco Pilot (S) has also risen that much, the administration is blindly sticking to the age old shunting roaster even now. The yard shunter is tightly packed in his duty so that, not even a single moment he can spare to meet his primary necessities. The increased workload of the shunter may be one of the reasons for frequent accidents in the NCJ yard. Every now and then the traffic shunter has to move from yard to platform lines for performing shunting in the platform and loco movements etc, temporarily stopping his yard shunting. Looking into this matter seriously our previous Sr DME Mr. Rahiman had posted one traffic shunter on trial basis so as to handle the shunting in the platform during the early morning busy hours (4 O’ clock to 12 O ‘clock) and it yielded good results. Since the work load is same for a shunter on the entire day, implementing a round the clock traffic shunting roster may be the only feasible solution. Kindly take necessary action to post a three roster separate traffic shunter for NCJ.
2) Another one problem we want to notify is that there is no dedicated line for loco handling at NCJ. Almost 10 to12 locos needed to be handled by a shunter at a spell of his 8 to 10 hrs of duty. Locos are stabled any were according to the convenience. This imparts a lot of difficulties in handling locos at NCJ yard. A lot of time and man power is wasted in moving locos here and there inside the yard un-necessarily. Our long standing demand for a separate loco lay bye has not yet been considered favorably so far. A separate loco lay bye will not only reduce the workload of the shunter but also will reduce traffic delay which is vital for a small traffic yard like NCJ. So kindly take necessary action to build a separate loco lay bye at NCJ.

 3.  Conditions of Running Rooms

              Ever since the Railway Board had implemented private maintenance for the Running Rooms, everyday we had to fight with these private people for quality food, cleanliness in and around the Running Rooms and clean and neat bed spreads etc. Nowhere in the Southern Railway is quality food supplied. At times we have to even wait for hours together for food get cooked and served at Running Rooms. The bed spreads and pillow covers supplied are of either re used or not properly washed. And the mosquito nets are never got washed. Complaint books are all furnished full with lodged complaints by the running staff. When ever an inspection by the officials is arranged- that was done with prior notice- and everything will be nice for that day. Due to the nature of our duty we are spending most of our rest hours in these Running Rooms only. Where The Railway Board’s declaration for provision of two star facilities in Running Rooms is and where the present conditions of Running Rooms are?  We are very much discouraged with this poor and sub standard conditions of the running rooms. Since most of the running staff are coming from well to do families and are highly educated, we not only feel it as disregard from the part of administration but an insult to the reputation of the entire running staff. Kindly take it is an urgent matter of worth considering and please arrive at a feasible solution for this problem.

             Hoping that your kind self will consider our demands favorably,

                                                          Yours Truly,


Nagercoil,                                                                                         S. Selvakumar,
8-1-2012.                                                                                           (Br. Secretary.)


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