Various Allowances for Running Staff
Pay element in Running Allowance in Railway Services(Revised Pay) Rules
- 30 % of Basic Pay for
computation of benefits excluding Retirement benefits.
- For pensionary benefits, an
additional 55% of Basic pay.
- DA will be paid on Basic Pay
plus Pay element of Running Allowance (ie, 30% of Basic Pay).
- Benefit of reckoning Pay
element for fixation of pay of Running staff on their appointment to posts
under GDCE not admissible.
Allowance in lieu of
When Running Staff are employed in non-running duties they will be entitled for Allowance in lieu of kilometrage as indicated below for every calendar day:
i) At Headquarters – 30% of Basic Pay.
ii) Outstation - Allowance in lieu of kilometrage at the rate of 160 km per calendar day.
This is admissible in the following cases:
When Running Staff are employed in non-running duties they will be entitled for Allowance in lieu of kilometrage as indicated below for every calendar day:
i) At Headquarters – 30% of Basic Pay.
ii) Outstation - Allowance in lieu of kilometrage at the rate of 160 km per calendar day.
This is admissible in the following cases:
- Attending Medical examinations.
- Journey on transfer.
- Joining Time.
- Refresher Courses &
Training in carriage sheds.
- Attending enquiries.
- Attending law courts.
- Attending as Defensel Counsel .
- Trade Union meetings.
- Attending First Aid classes.
- Attending Ambulance classes.
- Taking part in Territorial Army
- Attending Staff Loan societies.
- Attending Welfare and Debt
- Attending Sports Duties.
- Undergoing Sterilisation
- Attending Hindi examination.
- Guards booked on escort duties.
- LP/ALP kept as spare for examination/cleaning
engine for VIP special trains.
- Any other duties declared in
emergency as qualifying for Allowance in lieu of kilometrage.
- Allowance in lieu of
kilometrage 120 km to LPs working as Power Control/Crew Control.
- At outstations where Running
Room is not provided.
- Rates specified for every 24
hours or part thereof reckoned from time of ‘signing off’ subject to
period of rest exceeding 4 hours between arrival and departure timings.
- Half of the rates are
admissible if cook is not available in running room.
- Payable as Overtime Allowance
under HOER at the rate of 2 hours for every hour by which rest fall short
of prescribed hours of rest.
- Periods of less than half an
hour will be neglected and half an hour or more shall be rouded off to one
hour on each occasion of Breach of Rest.
- Breach of Rest Allowance shall
be granted to running staff who work a train to outstation and return to
headquarters and are booked for duty
i) Before completion of 16 hours when duty before rest was 8 hours or more.
ii) Before completion of 12 hours rest at headquarters when duty before rest was less than 8 hours. - Breach of Rest Allowance shall
be granted to Running staff like shunters staff manning suburban services
who avail daily rest booked for running duty
i) Before completion of 12 hours when duty before rest was 8 hours or more.
ii) Before completion of 8 hours rest when duty before rest was less than 8 hours.
- Running Staff who are held up
at any station other than headquarters due to an accident for a period
exceeding 16 hours from the time they ‘sign off’ shall be paid
Outstation(Detention) Allowance at the rate of 70 km for every 24 hour or
part thereof after expiry of 16 hours from time of ‘signing off’.
- At outstations where running
rooms are not provided Running staff shall be entitled in addition
Allowance in lieu of Running Room facilities.
- For Running Staff deputed to
work outside their headquarters either on running duties or stationary
- Payment will be made from each
day reckoned from the date of arrival at the outstation in the following
i) When officiating in higher post allowance shall be paid for 14 days only.
ii) When Running Staff are sent to outstation in the same capacity allowance shall be paid for a maximum period of 2 months.
iii) The period of journey to and from relieving station shall be treated as duty either spare or unning and allowance paid accordingly.
- Running Staff who are held up
at any station other than headquarters due to an accident for a period
exceeding 8 hours shall be paid accident Allowance at the rate of 70 km
for every 24 hour or part thereof reckoned from time of commencement of
- Each Railway shall identify
sections and circumstances where Running staff cannot earn adequate
kilometrage within stipulated duty hours.
- For these identified sections
and circumstances Running staff shall be paid at the rate of 120 kms for
full stipulated duty hours.
- When Running staff are put to
officiate in a Running post for 30 days or less Officiating Allowance shall
be paid as admissible in the lower grade plus running allowance at the
rates applicable to higher grade in which they officiate enhanced by 15%
except Fireman A/ALP and second Fireman.
- When Second Fireman is put to
officiate as Fireman A/ALP enhancement will be 20% of actual kilometrage
- When put to officiate in a
running post for more than 30 days their pay will be fixed under normal
- When put to officiate in a
Stationary post for more than 30days their pay will be fixed on the basis
of pay in lower post as pay element of Running allowance.
- When period is 30 days or less
Officiating Allowance shall be paid for a period of 14 days only
- Seperately for Steam traction
and Diesel Traction.
- Inflated kilometrage based on
actual kilometrage during prescribed schedule from ‘singing on’ to
‘signing off’.
Shunting and Van goods trains
For first 60 km
To be paid at double the kilometrage.
Beyond 60 km
To be paid at 3 times the kilometrage.
Ballast/Material Train/Crane Special and
Light Engine on Medical account
20 km per hour subject to a maximum of 200
kms for prescribed hours of duty from signing on to signing off.
Brake Down special and Medical Relief Train
25 km per hour duty from signing on to
signing off.
Passanger Services
Hours of duty signing on to signing off.
Kilometrage to be paid for
Less than 4 hours
Actual kilometrage subject a minimum of 120
4 hours and above but less than 5 hours
Actual kilometrage subject a minimum of 130
5 hours and above
Actual kilometrage subject a minimum of 150
- Trip allowance to Running staff
working Coal Pilots at the rate of 160 km for eight hours.
- In addition a bonus of 50 km if
they perform complete trips within stipulated target time.
- Waiting/Standby duty as per
- Station duty including
detention on account of cancellation of trains or cancellation of booking
of staff after they have reported for duty.
- Running staff kept back in
administrative interest such as booking for President’s special, Relief
Trains etc.
- Waiting in steam in case of
President’s special.
- Sections with a ruling gradient
1:40 or steeper shall be classified as Class I Ghat section. Running staff
working on ghats where banker is employed in assisting train computation
of km will be 5 times the actual distance travelled.
- In all other cases(including
where banking engine is run as a Light Engine or assistance not required)
it shall be calculated as 5 times actual distance travelled in case of
Class I Ghat and 3 times Class II Ghats.
- For High speed/Rajdhani Exp for
completion of Trips.
- Running staff working Van Goods
trains and Through Goods trains.
- Where main line crew is used
for shunting at terminals preceded by or followed by train working such
duty shall be paid at 15 km per hour.
- Paid for actual Km run learning
the road.
- Infaltion on account of
incentive, Ghat , minimum distance etc. not applicable.
- Notmore than 3 trips up and 3
trips down permitted.
- Before or after working trains
or for working a train at outstation shall be light duties and half the km
is paid.
- In case of trains provided with
double set of crew spare crew travelling in rest van shall be paid half km
admissible to crew on duty.
- When running staff cannot be
allowed running duties or other duties on account of Natural
calamities/Coal Shortage they shall be paid pay element of Running
Allowance at the rate of 30% of Basic pay applicable for the day.
Rounding off
Total km for the month is rounded off for Running allowance calculation as
Total km for the month is rounded off for Running allowance calculation as
1 to 24
25 to 74
Rounded off to 50 km
75 to 99
Rounded off to 100 km
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