RailNews 25 Feb 2014
No Change in Refund
Rules pertaining to Cancellation of Confirmed Train Tickets: Board clarifies
New Delhi, Railway Board: A section of media, have
published news regarding changes in the Railway Refund Rules. In this regard,
the Ministry of Railways clarifies that there has been no change in the Refund
which have been notified in June 2013 and have been brought into force with effect from 1st July, 2013. According to the notified refund rules, passengers on a confirmed ticket can avail refund upto 50% of the fare provided the ticket is cancelled within 2 hours of the departure of the train. For the purpose of clarification, the refund rules relating to cancellation of unused confirmed reserved tickets are summarized here below:-
which have been notified in June 2013 and have been brought into force with effect from 1st July, 2013. According to the notified refund rules, passengers on a confirmed ticket can avail refund upto 50% of the fare provided the ticket is cancelled within 2 hours of the departure of the train. For the purpose of clarification, the refund rules relating to cancellation of unused confirmed reserved tickets are summarized here below:-
- if the ticket is presented for cancellation more than
forty eight hours in advance of the scheduled departure of the train, a
minimum per passenger cancellation charge shall be deducted at the flat
rate of rupees one hundred and twenty for air-conditioned first
class/executive class, rupees one hundred for air-conditioned-II
tier/first class, rupees ninety for air-conditioned III-tier/ 3
economy/air-conditioned chair car, rupees sixty for sleeper class and
rupees thirty for second class.
- if the ticket is presented for cancellation between
forty eight hours and upto six hours before the scheduled departure of the
train, cancellation charge shall be twenty five per cent of the fare
subject to a minimum of the cancellation charge.
- if the ticket is presented for cancellation within six
hours before departure and upto two hours after the actual departure of
the train, the cancellation charge shall be fifty per cent of the fare
subject to a minimum of the cancellation charge.
- No refund shall be granted on the reserved ticket if it
is surrendered for cancellation after two hours of the actual departure of
the train.
Passengers may continue to avail refund of confirmed tickets
under the above rules as there is no change in the Refund Rules.
Again the refund rules relating to cancellation of Unused waitlisted or RAC tickets are
summarized here below:-
If a Waitlisted/RAC ticket is presented for cancellation,
refund of fare shall be admissible after deducting the clerkage as per
- The ticket is presented for cancellation upto three hours after the actual departure
of the train irrespective of the distance.
- The passenger may get the tickets cancelled from any
PRS counters or the designated current counters.
- No refund of fare shall be granted on RAC ticket /Waitlisted
ticket after three hours of the actual departure of the train.
- In case no current counters are available at journey
originating station for night trains leaving between 21.00 hours and 06.00
hours(actual departure , refund shall be admissible at the station within first two hours after the opening of
reservation office.
- In remote and hill areas as identified by the Zonal
Railways with the prior approval of the General Managers and print in
their Time Tables for train leaving between 1900 hours and 0600 hours (actual
departure) refund shall be admissible at the station within first two hours after the opening of
reservation/booking office, in case there is no reservation counters/booking office/current counters.
Available in that area.
Similarly, the refund rules relating to cancellation of e-tickets and Tatkal Tickets have also been
notified which are effective from July 1, 2013.
Further, under special circumstances like bandhs or
agitations or floods, etc. where the passengers could not reach the reservation
counters or stations for cancellation of tickets, a TDR (Ticket Deposit Receipt) shall be issued
to the passenger upto three days after the scheduled departure of the train and
the passengers may apply for refund of fare within ten days from the scheduled
commencement of journey to the Chief Commercial Manager (Refunds), of the Zonal
Railway concerned. The refund application shall then be considered on its
merits based on the circumstances of the case.
Commercial circular no. 6 of 2014 dated 21.2.2014 is an
internal circular seeking to remove the inconsistency between the computerised
application (based on earlier circular of 2004) and the notified refund rules.
Under this circular of 21.02.2014, CRIS has been advised to make requisite
changes in the computerised PRS application so that the computerised
application is aligned and made consistent with the Refund Rules and to ensure
that the refunds are issued in accordance with the notified rules.
Passengers shall continue to get refunds across the counters
for all waitlisted and confirmed tickets as per refund rules provided
such refunds are sought within the prescribed time limits.
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